Donate from your IRA
When you donate to Josephy Center through your IRA, you enjoy significant tax benefits while making a positive impact on your community! If you are age 70 ½ or over, making a gift from your IRA that is rolled directly to a qualified 501(c)(3) like Josephy Center, is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). For more information on QCDs, please consult your financial advisor.
Donate Stock
The tax benefits of donating stock can be significant. Consult with your tax advisor to learn about the advantages of gifting securities to the Josephy Center.
Legacy Gifts
Please consider including The Josephy Center in your estate plans. To discuss an option that is right for you, speak with your financial advisor.
Tribute Gifts
Make a gift to celebrate a special occasion – birthday, anniversary, or holiday – and we will send the honored individual written notification of your generosity. You can also make a gift in memory of a loved one and we will acknowledge your thoughtfulness to the family.
Support the Patron Arts Scholarship Fund
By purchasing a Josephy Artist membership, you are helping fund our annual Patron Arts Scholarship – an opportunity for emerging artists to develop their craft. Artists helping artists! As part of your membership, your work, website, and image will also be featured on our Local Artists page!
Shop Amazon Smile
Amazon will donate a portion of proceeds to the Josephy Center every time you shop on Amazon Smile. Visit to learn more.
Sponsor an Event
Sponsor an exhibit opening, a brown bag or special event. Sponsorship is an opportunity for your club, group of friends, business, or organization to connect with and show support for the arts community.
To get involved, please contact Dera Stewart <>, Development Director of the Josephy Center.
Oregon Cultural Trust
Double your gift for free by making a matching gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust and claiming your cultural tax credit. Donors who contribute to Oregon cultural nonprofits, including ours, are eligible to make a matching donation to the Oregon Cultural Trust and receive a 100% tax credit for their Trust donation. Click here to donate to the Oregon Cultural Trust and learn more.