Wallowa Valley Photo Club Exhibit at the Josephy Center for Arts and Culture
“Best of….,” an exhibit of original work by local photographers opens Friday, November 7 at 7:00 pm at the Jospehy Center for Arts and Culture. Doors ill open at 6:30 pm.
As the Wallowa Valley Photo Club’s premiere event, the Josephy Center show allows members to showcase their best work.
The Club’s mission is “To promote and educate the art and science of photography.” Founded as a non-profit corporation in 1989, the club publishes and annual calendar featuring photographs of the Wallowa Country. Members participate in photography field trips, photo scavenger/treasure hunts and workshops. The club also provides prize money for various awards at the annual Joseph Art Show and the Wallowa County Fair.
The Wallowa Valley Photo Club always welcomes new members and offers a variety of events for photographers of all ability levels. Meetings are held twice a month in Joseph and Lostine.
For more information about “Best of…..,” the Josephy Center or upcoming events, please contact Cheryl North Coughlan at 541-432-0505 or visit www.josephy.org.