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Le Cirque de Arment Exhibit

The grand opening of this show is Friday, July 6 at 7 p.m.  Meet a fortune teller, a magician, a ringmaster […]

Dams, Salmon and Controversy Exhibit

In partnership with Tamástslikt  The June exhibit at the Josephy Center, funded in part by a “Arts Build Communities” grant […]

Point Rouge Exhibit

A collaboration of Wallowa County galleries, runs November 3 - December 5.

Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts

En Plein Air Exhibit and Ruby Peak Film Festival at the Josephy Center, and Art Festival celebrating many artists at the Joseph Community Center.

Oregon Printmakers Exhibit

Josephy Center for Arts and Culture presents an exhibit of prints curated by Christy Wyckoff. The show features Oregon artists, who are all part of Wyckoff’s printmaking community. Exhibit opens […]

Women’s Art Show

Honoring Women's Art Month, with events, classes, and lectures by women throughout March.

Student Art Show

Celebrating the work of our Josephy art students, young and old.


Gift of Art

Our local holiday exhibit featuring affordable art by the community.

The Wild Landscape: 2nd Annual

Subject is the wild landscape of Northeast Oregon from its river canyons to its bench grass prairies to Eagle Cap Wilderness. The purpose of the exhibit is to professionally display original photographs that capture the diversity and beauty of the wild NE Oregon Landscape (Wallowa, Baker and Union Counties).

Sam Collett Exhibit

The mixture of forested mountains, rural farm and ranches has become his artistic metaphor. Paintings and Drawings By Realist Painter and Draftsman Sam Collett. Runs through August 2.

Native American Art

Crows Shadow prints, Indian art, and regalia, complete with monthly artist-in-residencies with Celeste Whitewolf and Allen Pinkham, Jr. Runs through June 28.

Art Shop Spotlight Exhibit

We will be moving the Art Shop and expanded items to the gallery to showcase for these three weeks.

Wings: Flight in Fine Art

This exhibit is a juried show focusing on the theme of flight. Wings as subject may be open to interpretation. It features local artists and will run throughout April until May […]

Women’s Art Exhibit

Showcasing women photographers, artists and sculptors, for our Women’s Art Exhibit. Exhibit runs through March 29.

Bob Fergison Painting Exhibit

Come welcome a life retrospective of longtime Wallowa County resident Bob Fergison, landscape and figure painter. Show runs through February 17.

Student Art Show

Our winter kids & adult art show, after another season of classes, will be up on display until Dec. 18.

The Gift of Art Exhibit

Local art, unsold from the auction, will be available starting at $50 and sold for the rest of the month for the exhibit - perfect for the holidays!